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4 Main Culprits Behind Blocked Residential Drains

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When they are working properly, your home's plumbing drains will flow smoothly and efficiently. But when they get blocked over time, they will lose their usual efficiency. Sluggish and gurgling drains are some obvious signs of blocked drains, and they often reveal that you've been constantly abusing your residential plumbing drains or sewer system in some way.

There are several reasons why your home's plumbing drains can become clogged. Here's a look at some of the usual culprits.

1. Food debris

Many people leave food on their plate after having their meals. When the leftovers are being thrown away, not all of it is removed from the plates. The dirty dishes are then placed in the kitchen sink and cleaned with some food debris still remaining on the plates. The uneaten remains usually find their way into the kitchen drains, accumulating there every time dirty dishes are washed. This can lead to clogging problems in the kitchen drains. 

2. Cooking oil, fat and grease 

These cooking essentials don't belong inside your kitchen drains. Unfortunately, that is where they often end up. They can harden on the interior walls of your kitchen drains and reduce the volume of water that can pass through the drains at any given time. These clog-causing elements are notorious for causing slow drains.

3. Sanitary waste

This may come as a surprise you, but are you aware that dumping large quantities of toilet paper in your toilet can cause your residential drains to clog up? Encourage your household members to use toilet paper sparingly, and place a small waste bin right next to the toilet for disposal of other sanitary waste.

4. Strands of hair

Long strands of human hair can also cause clogging problems if allowed to go down your bathroom or shower drains. Avoid performing personal hygiene routines like cutting your hair in the bathroom sink or shower, as the hair can find its way into your bathroom drains and cause sticky substances to easily get caught in it. This can, in turn, lead to clogging problems over time.

Clogs in your residential drains, no matter how minor, should not be ignored. Minor clogs can potentially build up in your drains over time and lead to bigger plumbing repair issues than you could have ever imagined. So, make sure you fix these clogs immediately, or ask a professional plumber to help you clear them. Acting promptly is essential to maintaining the proper flow of your drains.
